In November, we hosted our first startup hackathon. For four days, we helped budding entrepreneurs transform their ideas into pioneering food-tech companies.
Hackathons are great platforms for sparking innovation, tackling challenges, and making quick progress with the aid of input from experts. You might find yourself starting out with the kernel of an idea and walking away ready to found your first company!
For our Future Food Hackathon, we were interested in projects that focus on plant-based foods, fermentation, alternative proteins, and cultured-food products, ingredients, and technologies. In a few years, participants could be following in the steps of Incubator alumnus Formo, who raised $50 million for their alt-dairy brand, or be on their way to building a global snack empire like the Nu Company, another graduate of the ProVeg Incubator .
You just need an idea, a team, and the motivation and dedication to turn your ambitions into reality. We’re here to help get you there.
How a startup hackathon can help you
Explore your concept
If you come armed with an idea, a startup hackathon is the perfect setting to test it out, get feedback, and improve. This can be especially true if you are toying with several projects and trying to decide which to focus on. If you don’t have a concrete project yet, a hackathon could be where you come up with your next venture.
Knowledge sharing
Connecting with your peers and experts in the fields that you want to pursue provides the ideal opportunity to learn. Go into the hackathon with your mind set to sponge mode, ready to soak up knowledge and tips. This should not just be from the workshops, talks, and official sessions, but also from the people you meet during the event.